How to do a plank
What is a plank?

The plank is a bodyweight exercise that requires you to hold your midsection in a push up position, keeping your body in a straight line off the ground. While it is extremely effective at engaging and strengthening your core, this static move also benefits other parts of your body like your shoulders, arms and glutes.
This exercise is a great addition to any workout as it’s easily modified, quick to perform and equipment free.
- Keep a flat back and your butt down to engage your core and reap maximum benefits.
- Keep your head and neck aligned with your back so you’re looking at the floor, not dropping your head.
- Always remember to breathe during the exercise. It helps you focus and is key to avoiding dizziness and nausea.
Level: Beginners
Equipment: No equipment required
- Lay on the floor with your elbows under your shoulders, hands flat on the floor and core engaged.
- Keeping your forearms and knees on the floor, slowly raise yourself upwards until your body is in a straight line from your knees to your head.
- Hold the position for as long as you can. Don’t worry if your ab muscles start shaking. This is a sign that you are working your abs.
Level: Intermediate
Equipment: No equipment required
- Start in a push up position.
- Bend your elbows until your forearms are on the floor beneath your shoulders so your body is in a straight line from your head to your feet.
- Keep your abs tight and look at the space between your hands to ensure a neutral spine position.
- Hold the position for as long as you can.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Equipment: No equipment required
- Lay on your right side with feet together and forearm beneath your shoulder.
- Engage your core and raise your hips so your body is in a straight line from your head to your feet.
- Hold this position for as long as you can. If you can, aim for 30 seconds.
- Repeat on your left side.
Level: Advanced
Equipment: No equipment required
- Start in a plank position with hands shoulder-width apart on the floor.
- Engage your ab muscles while keeping your spine straight and lift your right foot towards your right elbow.
- Return the right foot back to full plank position.
- Repeat with the left side, moving your left foot towards your left elbow.
Level: Advanced
Equipment: No equipment required
- Perform a full push up with hands shoulder-width apart and return to starting push up position.
- Lower yourself into your plank position by moving one elbow after the other onto the floor while keeping your abs tight and spine long.
- Lift yourself back up into starting push up position by placing one hand after the other onto the floor.
Level: Beginners
Equipment: No equipment required
- Kneel on the floor and rest your forearms on the stability ball.
- Lift your knees off the floor and go into plank position.
- Keep your core engaged and back straight. You might feel a bit wobbly –this is normal - as this exercise requires working on core stability.
- Roll the ball in a circular motion and in a controlled manner as if stirring a cup of coffee.
Level: Advanced
Equipment: No equipment required
- Start in a push up position with your feet resting on the stability ball.
- Engage your core as you lift your hips so the ball rolls towards your chest. Pause and then return to the starting position.