Meet Personal Trainer Kumail Raza

Hey guys, glad you decided to join the family! My full name is Muhammad Kumail Raza, and I go by my middle name Kumail. I started my fitness journey about 6 years ago, when my wrestling coaches told me that I had to get into the weight room. They weren’t wrong as I was incredibly skinny and for the life of me could not put on weight. But ever since I started taking working out seriously all those years back my life as never been the same.

I was able to take body from being skinny fat to being in the best shape of my life with the combination of consistency, perseverance, and patience. Using those 3 principles, I changed my life, and now with the same application let me change yours!

Specialist Areas

  • Aesthetics
  • Lean Muscle Gains
  • Fat Loss


  • ACE Certified Personal Trainer
  • National CPR Foundation First Aid/CPR/AED Certified
  • Created over 150 individualized exercise programs

Phone: 443-676-1341

Instagram: Raza_md_pt

Email: [email protected]